- Overview FAQ Learn More SWDA Handbook Apply Digital Application Paper Application Payment Center Schedules Resources Updates Contact Us Parent Evalulation Parent Driver Ed. Evaluation Parent Evaluation For each of the following questions please share your experience as the parent or guardian of a teenage driver. Please read each question carefully and select your answer. Your response will be merged with those of other parents and the answers you give will remain anonymous. * Indicates required field 1. A teenager under your guardianship recently completed a course in driver education. How are you related to that teenager? * Mother Father Guardian Tutor 2. Approximately how many hours of supervised practice time did you give your teenager while taking a course in driver education? * 0 hours 1-10 hours 11-20 hours 21-30 hours 31-40 hours 40+ hours 3. As a result of this course are you comfortable and relaxed when riding as a passenger with your teenager? * Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Somewhat uncomfortable Extremetly uncomfortable 4. In your opinion does your teenager always wear their seat belt when driving the car or riding as a passenger? * Yes No 5. In general the classroom instruction your teenager received was: * Very worthwhile Somewhat worthwhile Not very worthwhile Not at all worthwhile 6. In general the in-car instruction your teenager received was: * Very worthwhile Somewhat worthwhile Not very worthwhile Not at all worthwhile 7. How worthwhile was the parent evening seminar? * Very worthwhile Somewhat worthwhile Not very worthwhile Not at all worthwhile 8. If you were to grade the driver education program your teenager received what would the grade be? * A B C D F Comments about the course: * Submit